Enter your wallpaper size...

Upload your image...

Points to consider

Use the original image

For best results always use the original image. Avoid saving images from the social media and photo sharing sites as often the quality is reduced.

Use the highest resolution possible

Choose the highest resolution possible when taking pictures on your digital camera. If uploading images from mobile or tablet devices choose ‘Actual Size’ when selecting images for upload.

Ensure you have permission to use the image

Choose only images which you have captured yourself.

Browse your device

Confirm image quality...

Your image quality is...




Tips for better quality images

1. Use the original file
For the best results always use the original image. Avoid downloading images uploaded elsewhere.
2. Use highest image resolution
For the best results always use the original image. Avoid downloading images uploaded elsewhere.

Select which part of your image to use...

Drag box to select part of image to use - you can increase image used by dragging right corner of the box - box will always represent the wall dimensions you have added.